Introduction to SPD
We check over 1M households each year
Service Overview
Datatank’s SPD Review service provides Local Authorities with an accurate and cost-effective means of removing fraud and error from their Council Tax Single Person Discount caseload.
We undertake:
Continuous review
We continually monitor all existing claims and review all new claims over an agreed period (12, 24 or 36 months). Our continuous review service is proven in practice to:
Fully Managed
We manage the complete review on your behalf from start to finish. We use credit bureau data and our own sophisticated data matching routines to identify SPD claims at risk of fraud or error.
Customised canvas letters are automatically generated and sent to at-risk claimants electronically or by post. Claimants are asked to confirm their entitlement to the discount via our secure on-line web portal, by SMS or by post. Postal responses are digitized and captured.
Additionally, at no extra charge, our specialist staff are available to handle customer enquiries via our SPD Helpline, validate claimant responses, and update the Council’s Revenues System to cancel and rebill invalid claims (including applying penalties, if required).
We give you access to our management information portal to keep you up-to-date with progress of the review and the revenues generated.
Single Person Discount Review
Validate your SPD caseload
Significant uplift in Council Tax receipts
Reduced Council Tax fraud & error
Minimal administrative overhead for the Council
Digital by Default
Targeted investigation of high-risk cases
Fully auditable results
Alternative payment models
A bulk review of all your claims can be completed within 8-10 weeks including updating of your Council Tax Revenues and Document Management systems and issuing of rebills.
Our SMART Review takes a little longer, dependent upon the number of on-going fraudulent claims we find but can normally be completed less than 2 weeks later.

Our specialist staff will get the review up and running in no time.
• Agree method of connectivity to your Revenues and Document Management system (for account processing)
Management reporting
Using our Profiler2 management information portal, you can keep up to date with the progress of the review and its results. You have access to the exact same information that our team has – from who we’ve canvassed and why, to viewing claimant responses, and the outcome of each claim reviewed.
You can even use Profiler2 to efficiently manage your own workload, if you decide you want to update your revenues system yourselves.
Technology-driven service

Datatank's SMART SPD Review - A market-leading proposition to
Reduce Fraud
SMART Referrals™ are a unique
service from Datatank specifically designed to reduce ongoing fraud and create additional revenue as part of a Single Person Discount review. Taking our SMART Referrals alongside your SPD review will generate additional revenue and deter fraud.